
Bhutan Red Cross Society

The nation and the citizens are truly blessed. “On the auspicious occasion of the Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche (Trelda Tsechu), His Royal Highness the Second Gyalsey to His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen has been named Jigme Ugyen Wangchuck.His Royal Highness will be referred to as Gyalsey Ugyen Wangchuck.His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen graced the Trelda Tsechu prayer ceremony at Thimphu Tashichodzong, and offered prayers along with Their Royal Highnesses Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel and Gyalsey Ugyen Wangchuck.The Trelda Tsechu prayers are performed annually for the benefit of all sentient beings.Led by the Prime Minister, representatives of the Dratshang, Government and Armed Forces offered Mendrel Ku Sung Thukten to His Royal Highness the Gyalsey on behalf of the people of Bhutan.”Source- His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck