
Bhutan Red Cross Society

Red Cross Taxi drivers often being the first responder during the emergencies and in order to equip them with basic skills to provide first aid services during emergencies, BRCS endeavors to provide basic non-medical first aid training to all the Red Cross Taxi drivers across the country.
With the blessings from the President the inaugural training on non-medical first aid was imparted to 25 Red Cross Taxi drivers on 8th May this year. 

Similarly, a second batch consisting of 55 taxi driver volunteers from Paro attended the basic non- medical first aid training on August 13. 
The Red Cross Taxi drivers were trained to respond to different kinds of emergencies for instance drowning, assisting during epileptic seizures, assisting victims in controlling bleeding and tending wounds. In addition, the volunteers were also trained to perform CPR to adults, adolescent and infant.